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We accept the Scriptures as our authority in matters of faith and practice, and adopt the following Doctrinal Statement:
1. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God and inerrant in their original writings. They are our supreme and final authority in all things.
2. God is one, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Three-in-One, coequal, which is the Trinity.
3. The Father, the First Person of the Trinity, is Eternal God, the Originator of all created things and is the Originator of the redemptive plan, which He fulfilled by sending His Son Jesus to the earth to ultimately die on the Cross and be resurrected. He is the Elector unto salvation, He saves from sin all who come to Jesus in whom He adopts into His family, and He is our Father.
4. Jesus, the Second Person of the Trinity, is Eternal God who became man, was begotten of the Father, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary.
5. The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, is Eternal God, convicts the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. He is the life giver of every believer and He empowers the preaching and the teaching of the Gospel.
6. Man was created in the image of God. He sinned and thereby incurred death, physical and spiritual (which is separation from God). All human beings are born with a sinful nature and are sinners in thought, word, and deed.
7. The Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice. All who believe in Him are justified by His shed blood.
8. The Lord Jesus Christ physically rose from the dead. He ascended into Heaven and He sits at the right hand of the Father where He intercedes and advocates for all Believers as High Priest.
9. We have the blessed hope of the personal, visible, and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
10. All who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit, and thereby become children of God, adopted into His family, and are heirs of eternal life. In this, all Believers are eternally secure.
11. There will be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust. The just are resurrected to eternal life. The unjust are resurrected into eternal conscious torment, which is hell
12. There is a personal devil, Satan, who is working to destroy the souls of men. He, all of the fallen angels (demons), and those who do not receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior will eternally perish in the lake of fire.
13. The Church is the Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ, whose mission it is to preach the Gospel to all of the world. The Church is supported by the freewill gifts and offerings of the people.
14. The ordinances, or sacraments, of the Church, given by Jesus, are Baptism (by immersion following conversion) and the Lord’s Supper, which is communion.
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